Bandsintown for Artists Blog

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On The Road: Where To Stay Part One

How do you keep your accommodation budgets down while touring - any tips on where to stay?


Ron Pope - 253,229 Trackers

We have used all the "deal hunting" apps for hotels over the years and they can really save you a ton of money, especially if you wait until the last minute to book. If you Google "hotel deals" you'll find twelve new sites that started in the last month whose sole purpose is to help you find a deal. Those work especially well in big cities that have tons of hotels (but we've used them in places both big and small). 


Candlebox - 214,652 Trackers

We usually sleep on the bus and get 1 day room per town, that keeps the band and business managers happy! Hotels tonight app for cheap hotels as well as Kayak, great way to save money on accommodations as they’ll give you the best prices.



Mary Lambert - 138,235 Trackers

Stop. Staying. In. Hotels. I started booking Airbnbs for our band and crew about 3 years ago, and it has saved me close to $10,000. If you all like each other, and don't mind occasionally sharing a room in some instances, an airbnb or VRBO is an absolute lifesaver. It's also a blessing if you want to have a home-cooked meal! I also advocate for it with people/artists that deal with depression. Sure, you can still hole up in your room the way you would in a hotel, but in an airbnb, your friends are just on the other side, ready to hang out and have a cup of tea with you. And/Or: stay in a nice RV! If someone in your group feels comfortable driving it (or you can hire a driver), you can rent some rad RVs out there for 1/3 of the cost of a touring bus. 



Manafest - 84,097 Trackers

I’m a bit of a snob now and only book nice hotels.  But I’ve stayed at hostels, and friends houses. Avoid sleeping in the car, you need good sleep.

Use points from credit cards to book hotels early.  I never let promoters book my hotels anymore. I don’t want bed bugs.


Hollis Brown - 8,086 Trackers

We used to stay with a lot of friends. Stay outside of major cities. Usually driving an hour or so to the next city after the gig will save you some coin. When overseas, we generally get family style rooms because they tend to have more beds.


Fabrizio Paterlini - 6,864 Trackers

Most of the times, promoters think about my staying while touring. If not, I really find useful using Air Bnb to find good places to stay without spending too much money.


The Commonheart - 5,066 Trackers

Find a blood family member who has a part time job at a major hotel branch (that will remain nameless) and get that family discount!  Pack those rooms up with sleep pads, cots and whatever else you need to get by. Don’t forget to take some of that complimentary breakfast for lunch!


Rebecca Loebe - 4,508 Trackers

I often end up staying with friends or family as I travel - I'm very lucky that I've developed cherished friendships over the years with people who are very generous and hospitable. However, I try to make a point to stay in a hotel at least 1-2 days per week when I'm touring heavily, so I can have some time to rest, recharge and truly be alone (as much as I love staying with friends, it ends up using social energy that you might not have to spare). 

For many years I collected points using one of the less expensive hotel chains. I won't call them out by name, but I will say that I recently made the choice to upgrade myself to the Hotel Inn Express level of hotels.


The Talbott Brothers - 3,928 Trackers

We usually sleep in our Sprinter, make food from groceries and keep an Aeropress handy for coffee since most Travel Centers have hot water. We stay mostly at Travel Centers since they’re 24/7.


Jeff Crosby - 3,856 Trackers

This is a constant struggle as it's just expensive but I use the app and get a free room every 10 nights as well as Airbnb for the best deals. Also, try to reach out to as many friends along the tour beforehand and save money here and there staying with them. It ends up making a huge difference when you tally up the numbers after the tour.


Sarah Peacock - 2,534 Trackers

The points system with companies like Southwest, Choice Hotels, and other chains really helps. Sign up and create rewards accounts with as many airlines and hotel companies as you can. Even offers 1 free night after a certain amount of stays. For those artists just starting out, check out Tour Sleeper! It’s a network of hosts across the country that give artists a free place to stay while on tour.