Bandsintown for Artists Blog

The latest news, updates, tools and tips for Bandsintown Artists

Use Analytics to Learn About Your Fans

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We realize it’s important for artists to learn about their fans so they can find more opportunities to connect and improve the promotion of their events. Nothing replaces the authenticity and dynamics of live interactions with the crowd, of course. But data analytics is a great complement to measure the impact of messages sent to fans, to get an objective idea about the volume of traffic a website or page is generating, and to gather data only digital tools can collect (source locations, devices, clicks, etc.). Analytics is key to understanding the behavior of fans when it comes to engaging them on digital platforms.

The Events Landing Page, one of the digital tools offered through Bandsintown, helps artists to maximize the visibility of their events and drive ticket sales. Through integration with Google Analytics, the most widely used online analytics service on the planet, and Facebook Manager, one of the leading online advertising platforms, artists are able to see where fans come from, how many times they viewed their page, how many clicked on a ticket link, and build a re-targeting audience for online advertising.

Google Analytics

Of course, you need a Google Analytics account. If you do not have one yet, click here to get more info on what Google Analytics has to offer, and click here to sign up to Google Analytics, it’s free!

If you already use Google Analytics for your artist’s digital properties, we recommend you use the same Google Analytics tracking ID so that all traffic data can be consolidated on one Google Analytics property: Google encourages the use of Views with custom filters to separate analytics. However, if you’re more comfortable keeping everything separate, you can simply create a new property, call it “Bandsintown Events Landing Page” for example, and use its specific tracking ID.


The set-up only takes 20 seconds, but we encourage artists planning to announce their tour to add their tracking ID to their Events Landing Page at least 24h before posting the short link of their Events Landing Page on social media in order to capture all traffic info.

  1. On Bandsintown Manager, go the Events section

  2. Click on the Share button and expand the Advanced options link at the bottom of the pop-up

  3. Add your own tracking ID to the field labeled Google Analytics Tracking ID: Bandsintown Manager will auto-save it, and now you’re done!

To confirm everything is working, go to your Events Landing Page and click on a few different links or/and reload the page multiple times: if you check the Real-Time section of your Google Analytics property, within a few minutes at most, you should see data reflecting your page views and clicks.

It is possible to have someone other than the artist’s manager promote the Events Landing Page short link and collect data. If they also want to receive analytics, they simply need to add their own Google Analytics tracking ID in the second field available: the page will send them the same traffic data and insights on fans.

What data can I see?

If you’re new to Google Analytics, see below a very brief summary of the insights you can get from Google Analytics when your fans visit your Events Landing Page:

  • Audience reports: active users in the last 1, 7, 14, or 30 days, demographics, interests, geographic location and language, devices and browsers, new vs. returning, and many more

  • Acquisition reports: understand how social networks or ad campaigns are impacting engagement

  • Behavior reports: find out what buttons your fans are clicking on the most (see below for details)

Tracking Clicks

The Events Landing Page uses specific labels to track the clicks performed by your fans on the different buttons available. See below the terminology used so you can easily retrieve it on your Events dashboard under the Behavior reports:

  • Event category:

  • Event action:

  • Event label:

    • ticketButton_clicked: clicks on the Tickets button of any event (regardless of the ticket link type selected in Bandsintown Manager e.g. Presale, VIP, Sold Our or Free)

    • notify_meButton_clicked: clicks on the Notify Me button of any event (the Notify Me button is displayed when the ticket link is not yet available or defined but the on-sale date has not been reached)

    • rsvpButton_clicked: clicks on the RSVP button of any event (the RSVP button allows artists to build a re-targeting audience to send fans direct notifications via email and mobile push when posting event-specific messages on Bandsintown)

    • trackButton_clicked: clicks on the Track button at the top of the Events Landing Page (the Track button allows artists to build a re-targeting audience to send fans direct notifications via email and mobile push when posting messages on Bandsintown)


Facebook Business Manager

If you are familiar with Facebook advertising, you will be pleased to learn it is also possible to integrate your Events Landing Page with your Facebook Business Manager account. It allows you to build a re-targeting audience on Facebook Ads Manager.


The set up for the Facebook Pixel ID is similar to the one for the Google Analytics Tracking ID:

  1. On Bandsintown Manager, go the Events section

  2. Click on the Share button and expand the Advanced options link at the bottom of the pop-up

  3. Add your own tracking ID to the field labeled Facebook Pixel ID: Bandsintown Manager will auto-save it, and now you’re done!

To confirm everything is working, go to your Events Landing Page and click on a few different links or/and reload the page multiple times: if you check your Facebook Pixel ID Analytics page, within a few minutes at most, you should see data reflecting your page views and clicks.

It is possible to have someone other than the artist’s manager promote the Events Landing Page short link and collect data so they can also run advertising from their Facebook Business Manager account. If they also want to receive analytics, they simply need to add their own Facebook Pixel ID in the second field available: the page will send them the same traffic data and insights on fans.

For support on how to set-up your Google Analytics or Facebook Business Manager integration with your Events Landing Page, please click here.