Bandsintown for Artists Blog

The latest news, updates, tools and tips for Bandsintown Artists

How to Reach Your Fans for FREE

All artists on Bandsintown can engage directly with active trackers by posting messages about new albums or shows, sharing photos, and reminding them how much you love them. We call this “post to trackers” and it is free (and you can do it as often as you want)! 

Here’s How To Post To Trackers

Login to your account and go to the Home section. In the New Message box, start typing your message in the text area.

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In the top right corner, make sure the Bandsintown Logo is selected to ensure you are sending to your trackers. Type your message in the text area (max. 1,000 characters) and/or upload a photo by clicking on Add photo. You can also add a link by clicking the paperclip icon, or an emoji by clicking the smiley face. When you're ready, hit the Post button. Your message will be posted to your artist page on the Bandsintown website and the Bandsintown activity feed in the mobile app. We will send email, mobile and web push notifications to all your active trackers who are opted in. You can check the performance of your post under the Insights section after 48 hours. All of your posts will remain on your feed on the mobile app, allowing you to show your fans a variety of posts over time.

What Should I Post?

Here are some examples of what you can post - including a pre-save campaign on Spotify, a reminder to claim an album, full tour itineraries, and ticket on sale alerts.

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Your latest post will also be displayed at the top of your artist page on the Bandsintown website, to anyone who visits your page.

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Your Fans Can React and Leave Comments On Posts

Posts sent to all your trackers are also displayed on the Posts section of your artist page on the Bandsintown app, where fans can react and comment. Be sure to join in the conversation and comment back.


And Now We Have 3 New Ways To Post To Trackers

VIP features are new functionalities for all artists who wish to engage with fans more effectively. 

They Include:

  • Scheduled Posts to help you perfect the timing of all your announcements

  • Geo-Targeted Posts to let you reach your trackers in a specific geographic area

  • Event-Targeted Posts to let you send exclusive messages to RSVPs of your past and upcoming events 

VIP features can be found on Bandsintown for Artists on your artist’s home dashboard, when you click on the targeting dropdown menu below the message box or the schedule button:

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Here’s How To Create A Scheduled Post

Perfect the timing of your announcements by scheduling posts for a specific date and time. Click on the Schedule option and indicate when you want your post to be sent:

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Here’s How to Make a Geo-Targeted Post (Target By Location)

These allow you to reach your trackers in a specific geographic area to remind them about an upcoming show and boost ticket sales. Click on the Target By Location option and indicate the geographic region you wish to target:

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Here’s How to Post to the RSVPs of a Specific Event 

This is a brand new feature! Without VIP, you can send exclusive messages to RSVPs of one upcoming event. With VIP, you can message RSVPs of multiple events at once, including past events. Click on the Target By Event option and select the events whose RSVPs you wish to reach:

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