Easily List Concert Dates on Your Wix Website with Bandsintown's New Tour Widget

Ever wish you had a super easy way to list tour dates on your artist's Wix page? Now, you do. At Bandsintown we’re all about getting as many fans as possible to get tickets to those concerts. That’s why we’re happy to share with you (our 300k+ artists who use Bandsintown Manager) that we've teamed up with our pals over at Wix on a majorly effective new tour dates widget. 

It's all part of the Wix Music product suite that offers incredible ways to manage your online presence and promote your upcoming concerts (see the complete range of tools here).

With this powerful new WYSIWYG editor, Wix users can actually have some fun customizing the look of their tour dates. Use Wix's unique fonts, backgrounds, buttons, and more to match your tour listings to that new album cover, your new merch, your stage production—your brand. Fans will be pumped to easily find and RSVP to concerts, and buy tickets to upcoming shows in a place that feels like it came from you (because, well, it did). 

So, how do you add this awesome new tool to your Wix site? Just search for Bandsintown in the Wix App Market and select the “Add to Site” button. 

Yes, it's that easy and—yes—we're as excited as you are to be able to drive more fans to your shows with the help of Wix.