Introducing Bandsintown for Artists 'Support' Button

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Since the COVID-19 crisis started, Bandsintown has been committed to helping artists continue bringing live music to their fans. Though live streaming plays a key role in this artist-fan connection and can be an alternative revenue source, many artists' primary income has been interrupted or stopped entirely by this crisis.

We have been incredibly inspired by fans around the world that have been directly supporting the artists they love during this uncertain time and would like to help facilitate this continued financial support to our community of artists. To do so, we are providing access to Bandsintown’s reach of 55 million fans to artists who are interested in fundraising to help them spread the word to their followers, many of whom visit them on Bandsintown every day.

With that in mind, Bandsintown is launching its 'Support' button. This new tool will enable artists that would like to raise money to support themselves, their band or their crew to get the word out on their Bandsintown for Artists profile. To give, fans simply click the button on your artist page and select the amount they would like to contribute. The supported payment/fundraising services that artists can choose to add a link to are:

  • Paypal


  • Venmo

  • Bandcamp

  • Shopify

  • Patreon

  • Kickstarter

  • Gofundme

  • ArtistShare

  • Indiegogo

All users with a Bandsintown for Artists account can add a link to the 'Support' button through their account profile. Once the link is added, the artist profile and event pages are updated with the call-to-action to encourage fans to contribute. For more details about how this feature works, visit our dedicated page