Bandsintown for Artists Blog

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How to Claim Your Artist Page on Bandsintown

Picture this: you’ve found your Artist page on Bandsintown and a whole crowd of fans just waiting to hear from you. How do you tap into your audience?

The first step to reaching your fans on Bandsintown is claiming your Artist page, and you can do it in a few quick and easy steps. But first, lets talk about the great benefits you’ll get when you do.


1) Bandsintown reaches millions of fans per month 

Bandsintown is the world’s #1 concert discovery platform, trusted by more than 75 millions fans and 570,000 artists. 1-2 million Bandsintown followers attend concerts every single month, and our built-in discovery engine generate hundreds of thousands of live stream views and ticket clicks per day. If you haven’t claimed your artist page yet, you’re missing out on valuable connections that will get fans out to your shows.

Bandsintown followers are different than fans on other platforms—this is a community of the most active fans who are invested in all-things live music, and have opted in to receive concert announcements, news, and more from YOU!

2) Artist discovery is top priority

We send approximately one hundred million alerts per month to fans who have opted in to receive information about artists they already love, or get recommendations on artists they have yet to discover. 60 percent of these alerts are for artists that fans may not follow.

50 percent of our fans declare they attended shows of artists they had never heard before just because Bandsintown made a trusted recommendation. Our algorithm puts your events and profile in front of new fans based on their interests to drive awareness to your events and expand your reach.

Learn more about our discovery engine.

3) Bandsintown is a one-stop shop for fan management and event promotion

Claiming your page and adding events is the just the beginning. Once you do that, you’ll have the power to:

  • Create your customized Smart Link to promote your shows & build your audience across all of your platforms

  • Add the Bandsintown Widget to your website to automatically showcase your events, drive

    sales, & grow your audience

  • Build and send emails your fans will love for free using our Email Builder

  • Collect first-party fan data from your fans with a customized Signup Form

and so much more!

Convinced? Head over to our Getting Started tutorial to claim your artist page take the first few steps in your Bandsintown journey.