Bandsintown for Artists Blog

The latest news, updates, tools and tips for Bandsintown Artists

Bandsintown for Artists' FREE Toolbox for Musicians


Artist success is Bandsintown’s biggest mission. We are focused on giving you all the support you need to move forward in your career so that you can focus on the music.

We’ve put together a Toolbox inside of Bandsintown for Artists so that everything you need is together in one cohesive place. The following tools were created to meet all your artist needs and are FREE TO USE.


Our widget helps you publish and update your tour dates on your official website. Easy to use, fully customizable, compatible with WordPress, Wix and Squarespace, it automatically syncs with your Bandsintown account to keep your visitors up-to-date while driving ticket sales.

 Facebook Tab

Make sure your Facebook followers are just one click away from your list of upcoming shows: add the Bandsintown Tour Dates tab to your Facebook Page to keep it in sync and you’ll never look back.

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Track Button

Ever wondered how to gain more trackers? Add Bandsintown’s Track button next to your other social media icons to provide your fans with an easy way to follow you and get notified for every show.

 Landing Page

The simplest tool to promote your tour on social media: our landing page is fast, mobile friendly, and is great at converting fans into concert-goers. Grab your short link and post it!

 Accessing these Tools in Bandsintown for Artists

First, login to your account. In the left hand sidebar, click “Toolbox.”

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The next page displays all four of these tools! Click the “Get Started” button on the tools you wish to use for instructions.

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