Bandsintown for Artists Blog

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Bandsintown Featured in Time Magazine's Best 50 Apps of 2016

TIME Magazine recently unveiled their "50 Best Apps of the Year", a collection of the must-have mobile applications whether you are an iPhone or Android user. The list features everyone from Spotify to Venmo, to Bandsintown!

Why was Bandsintown chosen? We make sure music fans never miss another live show. As the number one concert discovery app, we allow users to discover concerts based on their own listening DNA (artist preference). Other notable features include the ability to sync your RSVPs to your calendar app, an activity feed where users can see what concerts their friends are attending and find artist tour updates all in one place for each artist they track. 

Bandsintown also allows artists to message fans who've RSVP'd to their shows with live tour and merch updates. Not only are users sent push notifications with tour info, but they also receive notice via email. With our new Ticketmaster integration, music fans can become concert-goers with one-click ticket purchasing and instant ticket delivery. 

Thank you to Time Magazine for featuring Bandsintown!

Join our millions of users and download the Bandsintown app on iOS or Android today.