Looking back to a great 2016! Bandsintown now connects over 30 million fans with 400,000 artists in the US and abroad.

In 2016, we were able to further position Bandsintown as the premiere destination where artists and fans connect

At the end of 2016, more than 30 million registered fans were using our apps, two-thirds in North America and one third internationally, to discover great artists and attend more shows: each fan finding 8 shows per year, on an average. London became our biggest city after New York, with close to 1 million fans using the app. 

In support of our international growth, in late 2016 we launched the app in six languages: German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese.

We also made the Bandsintown experience more social, for both fans and artists. For fans as we launched a new "invite" button in the event page of the app which enabled friends to share events with other friends and organize their night out directly from our ecosystem. For our over 400,000 artists using our platform, we gave them a new tool to post content, pictures, messages, tour dates directly to the fans. This "post to trackers" feature launched last summer, allowing artists to post to all their fans, without limitation, through our activity feed and email alerts. 

Through our Bandsintown Amplified ad network and its “lean-in” music properties, we now see over 50 million unique visitors a month, all of whom are passionate, engaged music fans and who are largely millennials and Gen Z.

Finally, one of the most important features we added last year was ticketing directly through the Bandsintown app, which we launched with Ticketmaster during SXSW in March. In December, we added another ticketing partner, Eventbrite, and we will continue to expand these kinds of partnerships in the future to make it effortless to go from discovery to ticket purchase in as few swipes as possible.

We are extremely excited about the journey ahead!  We hope to find amazing new talent to expand our global team and further fulfill our mission to help artists grow their careers and to help fans discover new artists and never miss a show again.

Stay tuned and Rock on! 

The Bandsintown Team