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Getting Started


From discovery to sales, Bandsintown helps artists build sustainable futures.

The first step to connecting with your fans on Bandsintown is setting up your artist page. Head over to the Bandsintown website, then use the search box at the top to see if your artist page already exists. You may already have an auto-generated page you only need to claim. If not, follow these instructions to create an artist page for yourself or an artist you manage.

01. Claim your page

For more information about claiming an artist, check out this article.

Fill out your profile and connect the accounts you already use so fans can get to know you better and stay up to date! Make sure you update your photo, add a bio, genres, and social links so we can help drive more discovery, engagement, and sales for you.

02. Complete your profile

For more information about completing your profile, check out this article.

It only takes a few clicks to add events, either individually or using our Event Upload tool to add multiple events at once. Then we’ll notify your followers about your new dates and start showcasing them across Bandsintown through our powerful discovery engine.

Bandsintown automatically finds your events from ticketing partners so you don’t have to! Head over to your Settings to choose whether to announce them to your fans right away or always review them first.

03. Add your events

For more information about the adding your events, check out this article.

With our customizable Widget you can seamlessly showcase your tour dates and live events on your website to drive ticket sales and build your audience. The Events API offers you the same capabilities as the widget with a deeper level of customization.

04. Add the events widget to your site

Start sharing your customizable Smart Link to drive fans to a landing page where they can view your events, buy tickets, RSVP, follow you across channels, and share their contact info. If you're using retargeting pixels in your marketing strategy, you can easily plug them in.

05. Share your smart link

Our Fan Manager dashboard lets you dive deep with your Bandsintown followers and fan contacts, giving you valuable audience insights and letting you send targeted direct messages.

06. Manage your fan relationships

Connect directly with your followers for free anytime by sharing posts on Bandsintown the same way you would on your favorite social platforms. Your followers will see your posts in their Feeds in the Bandsintown app and receive personalized emails and push notifications about each post as well. Use posts to announce tours, new music, merch, music videos, NFTs, livestreams, contests, and anything else you can think of!

07. Posts

Visit the Insights page to understand your audience better and make your marketing smarter by assessing demand, measuring performance, and identifying opportunities.

08. Analyze and optimize

Reach the world's most engaged music fans with self-serve email marketing campaigns. Create a custom targeted email to promote your tours, events, new music, merch, music videos, NFTs, livestreams, contests, and more.

09. Expand your reach

For more information about Promoted Emails, check out this article.

Start building your mailing list and following with your Signup Form

Follow these simple steps to get started and set yourself up for success.

Still have questions on how to best use Bandsintown?

Check our Help Center for tips, tricks, and FAQ, or join and ask members of our Artist Community.

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